How much of our lives are driven by striving? Yesterday morning, after a beautiful session with one of my clients, I was ready to push through the day - ready to push through yet another day. Then Peter suggested that we go for a drive. Knowing that one of the lessons that I'm learning lately is just how important down time is, I said yes.
We were treated to the countryside of upstate New York, the northwest corner of Massachusetts, and the southwest corner of Vermont. The drive was incredible. The reminder to rest from striving - to rest from constantly working was invaluable.
I have a feeling that I'm not alone in getting caught in the push, in the drive for more.
Where do we get caught in striving? What are the opportunities to be present to this moment? - to be open to letting what is right here?
This poem by Danna Faulds found me this morning. And it's a great reminder.
There is no controlling life. Try corralling a lightning bolt, containing a tornado. Dam a stream and it will create a new channel. Resist, and the tide will sweep you off your feet. Allow, and grace will carry you to higher ground. The only safety lies in letting it all in – the wild and the weak; fear, fantasies, failures and success. When loss rips off the doors of the heart, or sadness veils your vision with despair, practice becomes simply bearing the truth. In the choice to let go of your known way of being, the whole world is revealed to your new eyes.
How much of o
ur lives are driven by striving? Yesterday morning, after a beautiful session with one of my clients, I was ready to push through the day - ready to push through yet another day. Then Peter suggested that we go for a drive. Knowing that one of the lessons that I'm learning lately is just how important downtime is, I said yes.